What You Need To Know About West Coast Swing Dance

by | Feb 26, 2015 | Business

West Coast Swing Dance is a smoother, more sultry version of the original swing dance family that evolved from other forms of Swing, such as Lindy Hop and East Coast Swing. It is a modern and versatile dancing style. It is an interesting social dance that can adopt many nuances from other dance forms making it a highly versatile dance. This is partially why it has become so popular.

West coast swing dance can be done to just about any 4/4 time music inclusive of:

1. Hip Hop
2. Soul
3. Jazz and blues
4. Pop
5. Funk
6. R&B

Characteristically, this West Coast swing dance is different from other forms of Swing dance in that it is danced in a slot. A slot is an imaginary lane that both partners move back and forth along or trade places in. Often times, both leader and follower will travel in the same direction down the slot which is another distinguishing characteristic of West Coast swing dance from other styles of Swing that use more opposition moves, such as the rock step (both partners rocking back away from each other).

As in most partner dances, the leader sets the tone for the dance, but the follower has a lot of freedom in her musical interpretation. She can use designs and inventive syncopations that aren’t essentially what the leader is doing as long as she doesn’t meddle with him. The unique versatile look of West Coast swing dance results from its essential expansion pressure method of accomplice association.

Since it can be moved to pretty much any music, its look and feel can go from smooth and provocative to profound. Its elucidation contrasts relying upon the dance specialists and music. In light of this adaptability, with both music and style, it has an unlimited claim and unites individuals of all ages.

Dance Steps of West Coast Swing Dance

This dance performed by the lady in which, the lady performs forward and backward in a single straight line at the floor whereas the partner stays at one place. This is performed in the slot; therefore the lady never puts the steps out of the slot. This particular style employs six and eight count. At the six counts, the dance is performed with the two special walking steps. While performing this dance, the counted steps are as follows 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 which involve walk, walk, triple, after that step, triple, step. When, the eight count start the two walking steps come. After that, a triple step come which involve two walks & a special triple step. The eight counts are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 which involve walk, walk, triple after that step, walk, walk, triple and step.

If you are interested in taking West Coast swing dance, you will find an excellent instructive school at Fred Astaire Houston. Find out more information about their available classes and schedule when you visit them online at Domain.

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