What To Do When Arranging For A Funeral In Middletown

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Funeral Services

Arranging a Funeral in Middletown is the next step after the passing of a friend or relative. During difficult times as these, understanding all the steps of arranging a funeral will help you find some peace. If there is no one to assist in the funeral arrangements, the local authorities or health institutions will provide the assistance needed. Some people always leave instructions for their funeral before their passing which makes everything easier. Here are some more details about funeral arrangements you should know.

Hiring a funeral director

You can choose to do the funeral arrangements by yourself. However, it is more preferable to hire a funeral director. Since funeral directors have planned many funerals, they can easily sort through the intricate details. Some of the services of a funeral director include the following:

* Providing a coffin.

* Taking care of the body until the day of the funeral. This involves dressing and washing the body.

* If the relatives choose a cremation, the director should provide advice on the best crematorium. Also, the director should provide transport services of the body to the nearest crematorium.

* Proving transportation of the body to the burial ground, which may involve hiring a hearse.

* Providing the necessary forms and certificates to the friends and relatives.

* Help in notifying the relatives and friends about the funeral.

* Contacting the local newspapers and placing the notices.

* Working with the clergy for their services on the day of the funeral.

* Contacting various catering businesses for their services on the day of the funeral.

* Creating a schedule for all the activities that should take place on the day of the funeral.

Funeral Costs

There are some expenses you should plan for while arranging a funeral. The first expense is hiring the funeral director. Other funeral costs include buying a coffin, cemetery costs, etc. The funeral director should be able to provide you with a written estimate with a breakdown of all the funeral expenses. You can compare and contrast different estimates from different funeral directors and find the most affordable one.

Funerals are traumatic experiences for the loved ones. With the help of a funeral director, arranging a funeral is very effortless. By finding an affordable funeral director, the overall funeral costs might not be devastating. Contact John P. Condon Funeral Home for more information on how to arrange a Funeral in Middletown.

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