What does a DWI lawyer do?

by | Jan 5, 2016 | Law Services

Drinking intoxicating beverages has a negative effect on a person’s motor skills, their speech is affected and will slur and typically the hand-eye coordination will be impaired. If you drink or use drugs and then attempt to operate a motor vehicle and an officer of the law should notice anything at all out of line or erratic the officer has the legal right to stop you and subject you to a number of tests. The tests, known as “sobriety tests” are given on the spot and should the individual fail to pass them he or she will be arrested and taken to the police station. When this happens the person will need a DWI lawyer in Charlotte NC.

A DWI lawyer is a legal professional that represents people who have been charged with operating a motor vehicle after having consumed drugs or alcohol in amounts in excess of what is allowed by law. Although different types of alcoholic beverage contain differing amount of alcohol the law does not differentiate, the law is concerned with the BAC (Blood alcohol content) which in most states is 0.08%, anything more than that, the individual is considered to be intoxicated. The DWI lawyer will represent the arrested person and will handle all the different aspects of the case from arraignment to sentencing.

Usually the first thing that happens when the defendant meets his or her DWI lawyer in Charlotte NC is the lawyer explaining the charges and the possible scenarios in the event of a conviction. The penalties for driving while intoxicated include revocation of driving privileges, a fine, community service, court costs and even jail time. A DWI lawyer has limits on what he or she can do, in many cases the lawyer will challenge the actual arrest in an effort to having the charge reduced or get a reduced sentenced should the client be convicted. In many cases the lawyer will challenge the arrest on constitutional grounds and questioning the administration of the tests including the blood test.

The DWI lawyer will first clarify all the legal issues and then make sure that the accused (the client) is aware of what is happening at the time and what to expect over the coming months. The lawyer will detail the possible penalties for a first offense as well as the penalties for a multiple offender which are far more severe. The typical process starts with a hearing at the Department of Motor Vehicles and winds up in court, the DWI lawyer in Charlotte NC will represent the client at every stage and in every hearing.

If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated you will need to engage the services of a DWI lawyer in Charlotte NC. You are invited to contact Havelka Law PLLC.

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