What Can You Expect When You Get a Dental Implant in Dubuque?

by | Jan 27, 2014 | Dental Health

Missing teeth are an issue that can cause a multitude of problems, especially if you are missing many teeth. This condition can cause you to be unable to eat properly, enjoy foods you once loved, and can even affect your speech. If you are missing many teeth in your mouth, this can put undue pressure on certain areas of your teeth and jaw. It could also cause damage to the teeth you have left. If you are missing teeth, there are procedures that can help you to replace them permanently. One of the most popular treatments in cosmetic dental care is Dental Implant procedures. Through this procedure, the dentist can replace your missing teeth with implants that look and perform like natural teeth, restoring your smile like you never dreamed was possible.

What Can You Expect During Your Dental Implant in Dubuque Procedure?

Getting dental implants placed in your mouth does not have to strike fear in your heart, especially if you know exactly what to expect from the procedure. You will first be given an anesthetic. Most cosmetic dental surgeons will give their patients a general anesthesia if they are having many implants put in. One or two implants could be placed in your mouth using only a local injection to numb the pain.

To have your implants put in, you will need to come in for two separate appointments. The first appointment will be your surgical procedure to put your metal anchors in place and the final procedure will allow you to get your new teeth. Before receiving these new teeth, the dentist will need to make sure you are completely healed from your surgery.

Tips for the Healing Process

* Follow a soft foods diet

* Avoid smoking or using straws

* Use ice compresses to ease swelling and pain

* Avoid pain relievers containing aspirin

If you are ready to get your dental implants and want to learn more about the procedure, visit lundellandhoydentistry.com. Not only can they provide you with implants, but they also offer a host of other dental services, to meet your every need. Give them a call today.

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