Understanding Child Custody Issues in Glenview and How Lawyers Can Help

by | Jun 5, 2023 | Law Services

Are you doing something that could negatively impact your child custody rights? If this is a question you have been asking yourself, it might be time to contact a Glenview child custody lawyer. The laws that surround child custody can be very complex. To ensure that you are staying within the guidelines, it could be to your advantage to seek legal advice.

Are You Doing Something That Could Negatively Impact Your Child Custody Rights?

The courts will act in the best interest of minors. Because of this, it is important that you follow any orders the judge gives you. Some limitations that they may put on you might be unfair, but to stay in compliance, you need to follow the orders. There may be a time in place when you can alter these arrangements. A Glenview child custody lawyer can help you tackle that process.


You may have to cooperate with the other parent. If you refuse to co-parent, the judge may view your actions as a violation of the custody order. Parents often have to learn how to work together after a divorce. It is not uncommon for both parties to struggle through this process, but a legal team on your side can be your best support system.


Neither party should interfere with the visitation schedule. When you stop a child from seeing a parent, it might be viewed as a form of parental alienation. Other forms of possible alienation include disrespecting your ex-spouse. For more information on how to safely navigate child custody issues, contact Michael Craven.

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