Three Major Benefits Gained from Gutter Guards in Poulsbo WA

by | Apr 13, 2022 | Gutter

You may or may not have heard about a system that can be added to the exterior of your home called gutter guards. There has been some controversial conversation about whether or not these additions to your home are a viable accessory or a waste of time and money. There are actually quite a few people that have begun installing gutter guards in Poulsbo WA indicating that more and more people are coming around to a positive way of thinking.

So what are some of the benefits that you might enjoy when installing gutter guards in Poulsbo WA?

  1. Reduced frequency and likelihood of clogged gutters.
  2. Gutters are designed to collect water running off of your roof and direct it to the ground in a controlled manner. That water can often also carry debris along with it and when that debris gets caught in up in the gutters, they can become ineffective. Gutter guards actually filter the water out, allowing the water to run as normal while blocking leaves and debris from entering into the gutters.
  3. Maintenance issues such as rust and freezing can be prevented.
  4. Wet debris building up within the gutters can lead to premature rusting. Likewise, wet debris that has built up over time can lead to frozen debris during the winter months. These are both very undesirable maintenance issues that can arise in homes with gutters. Since gutter guards help to prevent the build up of debris within the gutters, they are also helping to prevent debris related issues such as rusting and freezing.
  5. Added fire resistance to the home for areas that are prone to wild fires.
  6. Practically every year, you hear about wild fires and brush fires costing people their homes and everything inside of them. One of the most common causes for a home catching fire from the outside is when burning embers from the external fire land in the gutters and ignite the easy burning leaves and debris that have built up within. Installing gutter guards can help to prevent the build up of these easily igniting materials as well as helping to prevent the embers from reaching anything that may have slipped through the cracks.

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