Protecting Seniors From Nursing Home Neglect

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Law Services

While any attempt to hurt another living being is terrible, it is particularly awful when harm is done to someone who is already helpless. Older people who have to move to nursing homes to get the intensive care they need deserve the very best treatment possible. Sometimes, however, what they get is anywhere from a staff that doesn’t provide to their needs to treatment that is actively abusive. If you have any suspicion that a loved one is not being treated properly in a nursing home, you should contact a lawyer to discuss the possibility of Nursing Home Neglect and how to take action.

There are a variety of signs that you should watch for if someone you love is living in one of these facilities. Bed sores are a particularly big problem, because they’ll almost always form on people who can’t move around on their own, if the proper care isn’t being provided. A facility’s staff is supposed to move patients periodically to give different areas on their bodies a rest from the pressure of lying on them. But, that is often one of the first things that stops when the employees are overwhelmed with too much work or simply don’t care about doing their jobs.

It’s also important to watch for fall injuries. These can be genuine accidents, of course. Patients in such homes are often frail enough that they can’t move around well without help, while also being easily injured. If a fall seems strange, or it appears that there is a pattern of such incidents, you should be concerned. It may be that your loved one isn’t getting the attention he or she requires, and is being injured in the process of trying to look after himself or herself. It could also be a case of the staff not providing the appropriate oversight of what patients are doing.

If you suspect Nursing Home Neglect, don’t be afraid to go to a lawyer. You don’t even have to have money on hand to be able to pay for services. You can arrange a consultation with Law Offices Of Elan Wurtzel PC. If the case proceeds, you only have to pay something if they actually collect damages for your family. Otherwise, you owe nothing for the services.
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