Preventing Carpenter Bee Infestation in Upper Saddle River, NJ

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Playground

If you have children and own your home, there are few things that are more fantastic than putting up a wooden swing set. They provide plenty of wholesome and active fun that everyone can enjoy. However, there are a few things about carpenter bees and wooden swingsets what you should know.

Damage To The Structure

Carpenter bees burrow their way through the wood as they build tunnels in which to live. While these tunnels make the actual structure weaker, and thus more dangerous, they also prematurely age the wooden swing sets in Upper Saddle River, NJ which makes them weaker as well.

Gross Staining

Bees obviously can’t use indoor plumbing, so they end up leaving their feces wherever they crawl, which in this case is the wood. This causes stains that are not only unsightly but unsanitary as well.

Treated Wood

As far as carpenter bees and wooden swingsets you should know, one way to help prevent infestation is to treat the wood. This forms a barrier that makes it more difficult for the bees to burrow into. It is especially crucial if the swing set is made from soft wood such as cypress or pine.

Aply Sealant

Another way to make sure that your wooden swing sets in Upper Saddle River, NJ are not infested with carpenter bees is to apply sealant to the wood. This fills in all of the various cracks and crevices that wood naturally has and where bees like to hide.

To get your swingset protected from pests, please contact Swingset & Toy Warehouse at their website for more info.

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