How To Prevent Frequently Calling A Plumber in Reading

by | Dec 11, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

Plumbing problems are something every homeowner has to deal with. There aren’t too many people out there who haven’t had to deal with a clogged drain or toilet. While some people panic and call a Plumber in Reading, others simply roll up their sleeves to do the job themselves. The following are a few convenient tips you can use in order to protect your plumbing and save money on repairs.

Every homeowner should know where the main shutoff valve is located. You might be surprised to find out that many homeowners haven’t the slightest clue where this valve could be. Why is it important? What would happen if a water line broke and water began to fill up your basement or kitchen? If you knew where the shutoff valve was located, you could save yourself a lot of trouble.

Avoid bricks in the toilet tank and using drain cleaners in your toilet as well. People will often place a brick in a toilet tank to displace the water and save money. Although the benefits are debatable, a Plumber in Reading will agree that using a brick for this purpose could interfere with the way the toilet flushes. Liquid drain cleaners are often used to get rid of clogs; however, these chemicals are so powerful they often damage the pipes in the process. Keep your pipes safe by using a plunger to clear clogs instead.

Lastly, you should be mindful of what you put down your kitchen sink as well. For instance, you should avoid pouring grease down your drains. Why? Grease can corrode and gradually clog your drains and can even ruin your septic system. Instead, pour your grease in a throw-away container and freeze it. After the grease has frozen throw it away the next time your trash is picked up.

These are just a few tips you can use in order to protect your plumbing system. For additional tips you can get more info here. Again, make sure you know where the water shutoff valve is located in case of emergencies. Avoid using bricks in the toilet tank or liquid drain cleaners to remove clogs. Lastly, properly dispose of grease in order to keep your plumbing and your septic systems safe.


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