Get Great Quality AC Service For Your Home

by | Feb 15, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

Comfort appliances can be some of the most expensive appliances a homeowner will invest in for their home. Protecting your investment is a smart move, and one of the easiest ways is by having a warranty and service contract with the company that installed it. Service contracts ensure you get the best repairs possible in a timely manner. Many different companies offer these service contracts, such as Hanna Heating Air Conditioning & Plumbing, as well as warranty agreements, which can help you save money if the air conditioner or heater breaks down while the warranty is still active. A service contract can help protect your unit as well by providing the AC Service it needs without long wait times that could cause any problems you may be having to increase in severity.

When you do start to have problems with your air conditioner, it’s best to not wait around before calling a contractor in to work on it. If you wait too long, a problem can increase in severity and may lead to problems with other components in the unit. Problems that involve small debris getting lodged in the unit, such as sticks or pieces of metal, can cause major damage to components inside the unit. If you leave these items inside the unit without repairing or cleaning it, they can lead to damage to the fan and other areas of the air conditioner. Another issue that can arise which may lead to bigger problems is mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew can not only cause mechanical issues due to clogs, but can also cause health problems with your family and visitors.

If you’re unit is having issues, you may have noticed a few signs like odd noises or smells coming from the unit while it’s operating. Another signal that something is wrong with your unit is a lack of air production and coolness. When an air conditioner needs coolant or has a coolant leak inside it, the coolness of the air it produces won’t be as strong as normal and will feel warmer than it should. Hiring a professional AC Service company to get your coolant refilled, or any hoses and lines patched or replaced, is the only way to restore the coolness of the air flow in this situation.


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