Ensure Your Septic System Functions Properly With Septic Tank Pumping in Southaven

by | Nov 20, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

There are a number of plumbing disasters that can plague your home, but some of the worst are sewage clogs and full septic tanks. A septic system is very much like a miniature sewage treatment plant. It works by collecting the waste from your home or business in a storage tank. This waste consists of solids that slowly break down and an effluent or liquid that slowly drains away into the leach field. This field is a series of perforated pipe designed to spread the liquid over a specific area. The size of the leach field will depend on the dispersion and absorption rate of the soil.

A septic tank is effective because the solid waste slowly breaks down and is consumed by various bacteria and enzymes. Unfortunately, not all of the solid waste will be consumed and eventually the storage tank will fill. In most cases this takes between two to four years depending on the size of the tank and how heavily it is used. At this point the only solution is septic tank pumping in Southaven. This is a service to remove the solid waste from the tank, although liquid is eliminated as well.

Cleaning a septic tank often begins with locating the service access or vent. Really old septic tanks used solid tops which need to be lifted in order to access the waste. Most newer systems have a vent built into the lid for quicker access. Some septic tanks are buried and may require the removal of top soil in order to access them. In rare instances the homeowner may not know where the tank is located. With a little effort and the right tools the septic service can quickly find it.

In most cases a simple vacuum pumping is enough to keep your septic system functioning normally. However, if the tank has overfilled then you may have sludge in the leach lines which could be a problem. Your septic cleaning company may be able to wash the lines clear or inspect them for any problems. Keeping your tank cleaned on a regular basis is key to consistent drainage. You can do this with septic tank pumping in Southaven. Visit the website at website name to learn more.

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