Dental Professionals in Binghamton NY Say to Use Rotating Toothbrushes

by | Oct 29, 2014 | Dental Health

It can be difficult to keep up with your busy schedule, but dental hygiene should never have to suffer. Your Binghamton NY dentist does not want to be working on cleaning your teeth for an hour, which could very well happen if you don’t brush and floss properly. However, most adults (and children) don’t know which toothbrush to consider, thinking that they are all the same.

Manual Toothbrush

If you have traveled down your favorite store’s teeth care aisle, you are probably a little shocked at all the different options available. If you simply consider all the manual toothbrushes out there, your head may spin and you may wonder which one to select.

Dental professionals are now saying that rotating toothbrushes are better than manual versions, though if you cannot afford an electric toothbrush, you should continue to use manual brushes.

If you must use a manual brush, then you should learn how to use it properly. It is never okay to move the brush up and down over the teeth. Instead, move the brush in small, circular motions around the teeth. Make sure to reach the very back teeth and clean the front, back and tops.

Oscillating or Rotating Toothbrush

Those that can should purchase an oscillating toothbrush. They are also called rotating or electronic brushes. Studies have been conducted that prove up to 11 percent more plaque is removed from these brushes and that the amount of people with bleeding gums was reduced up to 17 percent.

The main point of brushing the teeth is to remove plaque and prevent gum diseases. It is a proven fact that toothbrushes that oscillate or rotate remove more plaque and prevent bleeding gums. However, it is important to understand that those toothbrushes with oscillation and rotation work best because they move in small, circular motions and up and down, creating the perfect clean that manual and electronic options cannot do.

Again, it is important to understand that you don’t have to immediately go out and purchase oscillating and rotating toothbrushes. Brushing incorrectly will matter to both manual and electric toothbrushes, so learning how to brush properly is important. Your Binghamton NY dental professional will be able to explain the proper way to brush, allowing you to be safer and promote better mouth health, which will ultimately lead to healthier teeth and gums.

If you need a Dental Checkup in Binghamton NY, you should consider contacting New York Dental Group as they offer preventative and cosmetic dentistry options, among others.

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