Dental Emergencies And Visiting An Emergency Dentist in Eden Prairie

by | Dec 26, 2014 | Dental Health

Most people will suffer from some type of dental emergency in their lifetime. Although these emergencies seem minor they shouldn’t always be taken lightly. A problem with your teeth or gums has the potential to become very serious if you’re not careful. Everyone needs to know how to react in these situations before they’re able to visit with an Emergency Dentist in Eden Prairie.

Before you panic, are you really dealing with a legitimate dental emergency? Most people jump to conclusions and panic when dealing with certain minor dental problems. For instance, seeing a little blood after brushing your teeth may be cause for concern, but it’s not a problem that requires a trip to an Emergency Dentist in Eden Prairie. However, if you knock your tooth out and you begin bleeding profusely, you need to visit an emergency dentist as quickly as possible.

If you do so happen to knock out a tooth, don’t panic or get too excited. Before reinserting the tooth you should rinse it and lightly brush it with water. Don’t remove any tissue fragments and try not to damage the tooth. Place the tooth in a small amount of milk or a cup of water with a little salt. The milk or salt water will help to preserve the tooth for a short while until you’re able to visit an Emergency Dentist in Eden Prairie. A dentist should be able to successfully reinsert the tooth so that it stays in place.

Anyone who’s ever had a toothache will agree that they can be extremely distracting and painful. Toothaches can be caused by gum disease or an oral infection. To remedy the situation try using warm water to rinse out your mouth. If severe swelling suddenly occurs, consider using an ice pack on the outside of the mouth to relieve the pain. If the aches and pains continue, visit an Emergency Dentist in Eden Prairie as soon as you can.

These are just a few of the tips you can use if you ever find yourself with a dental emergency. Again, think about whether or not you’re dealing with an emergency before rushing off to a dentist’s office. If you’ve knocked out a tooth, you only have 30 minutes or so to save it and have it reinserted. Lastly, use an ice pack and see a dentist if your toothaches continue to bother you.

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