You have Applied for Social Security Disability Income and been Turned Down in Houston, Texas

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

You have become permanently disabled through no fault of your own, through a workplace accident. Now your physician says you can no longer work, and she suggested that you apply for Social Security Disability income to help you pay your bills.

You think of yourself as a pretty smart person and you believe that you can make this application by yourself, without the help of a Houston SSDI attorney. You make a few attempts to fill out the paperwork. You have a great deal of trouble doing it, but you persist.

After some time, you get an answer from the Social Security Administration. They have turned you down. You are not surprised, but you are disappointed. You realize that you need to get help from a Houston SSDI attorney.

You hope that the law firm you hire will be able to file an appeal and get the decision overturned. You understand that the firm you hire will need experience in this field. In fact, you would prefer to hire a firm that deals only with Social Security cases.

In choosing the right firm, you want them to collaborate closely with you to submit an appeal that will then qualify you for the income you need to survive. You are looking for a lawyer with empathy and compassion for your situation and with whom you can be comfortable sharing your story.

There is a law firm in Houston that meets all your criteria. It is the Law Office of Gerard Lynch. He and his staff will be happy to work with you to appeal your claim.

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