3 Nontraditional Burial Options for Your Cremated Loved One

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Funeral Services

For those who choose cremation in Antioch, you may feel that the day of cremation is the last step of your memorialization process for your loved one. However, there are many interesting, poignant, and nontraditional ways to continue honoring them, some of which you might never have considered before.

Water Burial

For those who feel more at home on the water or at the beach than at home, a water burial might be the perfect option for a memorial. In this unique ceremony, ashes are released directly into a body of water, or a biodegradable container is dropped into the water at a designated location.

Remember that this is legal but strictly controlled in waters governed by the United States and many other nations. Be sure to check with your local government to find out where you can hold one of these ceremonies.

Burial in Space

Yes, you read that right. Those who choose cremation may also have the option of choosing burial in space. Just under 500 people have chosen this option so far, making it a tested yet nontraditional method of memorializing your loved one.

NASA, during a routine operation, took Gene Rodenberry’s ashes into space, providing a famous example of this type of burial. Other people have worked with a private company to have their loved ones transported to space since 1992.

Are you worried about the cost? The good news is that your space enthusiast family members can have their remains transported to space for as little as $2,500—about a fourth of the total cost of a traditional funeral on earth!

Burial Jewelry

In years past, people often made jewelry from locks of hair or belongings from their deceased loved ones. These days, you can still have these pieces made, but from more than just hair or clothing.

Now, companies specializing in lab-produced gemstones can grow diamonds or other stones from cremated ashes. Other companies can also press these remains into gem-like beads for jewelry. All these options allow you to keep a little piece of your loved one with you forever, without other people being any wiser. If you find yourself confused or needing assistance, reach out to the staff at Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center today.

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