Trauma to the Teeth and Your Local Emergency Dentist in Highland Park NJ

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Dentist

There are plenty of different dental emergencies, one of which is when one of us breaks a tooth. Knowing what to do allows you to overcome anxiety and concentrate on possibly preserving what is left of the tooth. Do not worry though, having an Emergency Dentist in Highland Park NJ on-call to help you with this issue, believe it or not, is one of the best decisions you will ever make. In fact, you would be surprised at how often this problem happens. Approximately 80% of dental accidents affect the front teeth and, in the case of adolescents, 40% of dental accidents are associated with sports.

Dental emergencies tend to make us alert only after it happens. However, at that point, we are at the point of panic and pain, left wondering what to do. Most important of all, one should seek dental care immediately. Nevertheless, there are things you should consider before coming to see an Emergency Dentist in Highland Park NJ.

After the initial shock has passed, wash your mouth with warm water, ensuring it is warm. Cold water will not help matters much. Put some ice packs on the affected part while calling the dentist to set up a visit. This will help to reduce inflammation if you have it. If it is after hours, this is when an emergency dentist is most helpful.

During this type of dental emergency, do not wash your mouth out with water. Preferably, put the tooth in a glass of milk. However, if possible, try to keep the tooth in the socket and bite down on a bit of gauze to hold it in place. Once you arrive at the dentist’s office, he or she will tell you what plan is best suited to your case.

It is important that you go to the dentist, whether you think it is necessary or not. Losing a tooth is never a good thing and will impact your oral health for the rest of your life. It may not be a cosmetic issue, but a broken or missing tooth can cause other oral problems, infections or even loss of other teeth if not resolved soon. Dental Implants are a great way to replace broken teeth. For more information about this issue, contact your local emergency dentist in Highland Park NJ to schedule your consultation today.

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