Do DUI Arrests Increase in Illinois Mostly During the Summer

by | May 8, 2023 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When the summer comes around, there is an increase in the number of people outdoors enjoying their summer vacation. Along with this increase, there is usually an increase in drinking. With this increase in alcohol consumption comes an increase in possible DUI arrests and the question of do DUI arrests increase in Illinois during the summer may come up. To put it bluntly, yes DUI arrests increase during the summer.

Why An Increase In DUI Arrests Increase

Besides knowing do DUI arrests increase in Illinois during the summer, the summer months are also the most common time for a DUI to occur. In fact, it is believed to increase by more than 10% by the time summer ends. Now that it is known that DUI arrests increase in Illinois, there are a few reasons that cause a DUI arrest to take place.

Accidents Occurring at Night

It is believed that the majority of DUIs take place during the night and are all alcohol-related. This is due to the amount of fun lasting a lot longer and sometimes throughout the night. This causes the individual to become extremely tired and unable to make clear decisions due to a lack of sleep and a high alcohol level.

Underage Drinkers

During the summer vacation, many students will be enjoying their free time with friends and this will usually involve alcohol. While many parents don’t find out about their underage kids drinking habits, they will find out when the kids attempt to drive home and get pulled over during their attempt. When this happens, you should be in contact with Naperville DUI lawyers as soon as possible.

When your summer vacation has alcohol consumption as part of the plan, you need to be aware that there are options available that can get you home safe and without worrying about being arrested. By getting a hold of Naperville DUI lawyers at Covert Marrero Covert LLP, you’ll have the perfect representation for your DUI case. Visit today for more information.

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