Plumbing Services: Addressing Clogged Toilets

by | Aug 30, 2022 | Plumbing and Plumbers

Plumbing problems vary in terms of commonality. Yet, one issue is a recurring one – clogged toilets. They are a regular incident in American households. Durham plumbing services place them at the top of the list for regular calls.

Main Causes 

A clogged toilet may be the result of one of several common substances. The causal factors vary. The following list consists of those considered to be the most common cloggers:

  • Too Much Toilet Paper: The most common reason toilets become clogged, it is the easiest to address. Be environmentally responsible and use less or double flush. 
  • Bodily Waste: Human waste can generate a clog. The material accumulates in the pipe’s bend and then becomes lodged there. A plunger may help in this situation
  • Flushing Down Foreign Substances: The clog may be the result of a lodged foreign object including everything from grease to toys and cell phones clog. In such cases, only a plumber can take care of the problem. 

While some of the above reasons for a clogged toilet are avoidable and others accidental, the result is the same. In Durham, plumbing services have seen and addressed all these issues.

Ridding the Toilet from Clogs There are times when a homeowner can remove the clog. Snakes or plungers are tools capable of helping achieve this goal. At other times, the severity of the clog requires professional assistance. In Durham, plumbing services may be necessary. Professional expertise may provide the only means of removing the problem before more serious issues occur.

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