Hire A Criminal Lawyer In Jefferson County, MO To Protect Your Rights

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Law Services

The best way to end up in jail is by believing a Criminal Lawyer in Jefferson County MO doesn’t need to be hired. Some individuals believe a DWI or DUI is no big deal. Any criminal charge can affect an individual’s life for years to come. Some individuals believe they should accept a plea deal just to get it over with.

Although the ultimate decision of what an accused individual wants to do is up to them, they should always receive the legal guidance needed to make the best decision. Individuals who are not informed of their options usually make the wrong choices in their case.

Drug Crimes

Drug crimes are very serious in Missouri. Not all drug possession charges are the same, and some carry a long prison sentence. Only an experienced criminal defense lawyer should be hired for this type of crime.

What Is Drug Possession?

The law in Missouri defines drug possession as being when someone has drugs in their hands, on their person, and anywhere in their possession. This means if someone leaves illegal drugs in another person’s car or home, that person will be arrested for drug possession. Even if a person is caught with legal prescription medication that isn’t theirs, they will be arrested for drug possession.

Drug Schedule

The DEA guidelines categorize drugs into different categories. Schedule I are drugs determined to have a high risk of abuse. This includes heroin, meth, cocaine, crack, ecstasy, and crank. Schedule II drugs have a high rate of abuse and dependence. These medications have a medical purpose and include Fentanyl, opiates, Adderall, and meth. Schedule II drugs like codeine and Tylenol have a lower risk of abuse.

Schedule IV drugs have a low risk of abuse and dependence. They include drugs like Xanax, Tramadol, Darvon, and Valium. Schedule V is the least serious of drugs and include medication like Lyrica and Robitussin.

The drug schedules are used to determine drug possession charges. Without the help of a Criminal Lawyer in Jefferson County MO, an individual could be improperly charged. Don’t end up in jail for a long period a time when an attorney can help. For more information, please contact Wegmann Law Firm.

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