Contact a Personal Injury Attorney for Help When You’ve Been in an Accident

by | May 3, 2013 | Law Services

You’re walking along the aisle of the grocery store in Tulsa, minding your own business. Seemingly out of the blue you hit a patch of wet flooring and go down hard. The pain is so bad that you can’t get up, even with assistance, and an ambulance has to be called to transport you to the hospital. This type of accident is known as a slip and fall, and you’re going to need an Accident Attorney Tulsa or elsewhere for help getting your bills paid.

You went to the store, fully expecting to walk out in the way you went in. At no time did you expect to be taken away in an ambulance, then have to deal with healing it. Most certainly the store had no interest in seeing you in this condition either, but their employee was lax about putting up a wet floor sign, making it the store’s problem. You have every right to sue the store for compensation for your injuries, as well as ask for compensation for the inconveniences you suffer as a result. An accident attorney Tulsa can help you with your case.

There is something that does have to be pointed out with a premises liability case. Sometimes, there are situations that are beyond control of the property holder, such as mother nature, and can not be sued for. A case also has to be thoroughly vetted by the lawyer to ensure that there is actually something to sue for. There are many who try to get an easy dollar by “crying wolf” over an injury that never really happened. Prepare to have your case thoroughly scrutinized by the attorney before anything can move forward.

Once the details are sorted out, your attorney makes the moves to press suit against the store to take care of your bills and any associated losses you may have suffered. For example, if you lost time from work, you can ask for compensation. You can also request pain and suffering damages as well. After all, you were not expecting to go into a store and become injured.

Contact an experienced personal injury attorney for more information about a slip and fall injury. He can look over your case and advise you about a course of action.



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