Why You Need to Hire a Defense Lawyer in Chicago to Represent You

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Have you been arrested? Are you waiting for your hearings to see what is going to happen to you? No matter what you’re arrested for, you are entitled to a lawyer to help you with your case. This is so you do not just have to plead guilty to your charges. You can have someone who is familiar with the legal system help you with your case to ensure you have a fair trial. If possible, you will want to hire your own Defense Lawyer in Chicago instead of working with a public defender.

You probably already know that if you cannot afford a lawyer one will be appointed for you. This is a public defender and, if you cannot afford a lawyer, they will be able to help you ensure you have a fair trial. However, they often are overloaded with cases, so they will not likely be able to spend a lot of time going through every detail of your case. In many cases, they may have you plead guilty to get the trial over quickly, even if that’s not what you want to do.

Instead of working with a public defender, you have the option of hiring your own defense lawyer. When you hire a lawyer, you are paying for their time, so they will spend as much time as necessary helping you with your case. They’ll do more than just ensure your rights are upheld. They’ll work closely with you and go through your case piece by piece to see if they can help you have the charges dropped, reduced or even have the sentences lowered if you are found guilty. They’ll do everything possible to help you get a better outcome for your case.

While you will be appointed a lawyer if you cannot afford one, it’s always a good idea to hire a Defense Lawyer in Chicago to represent you whenever possible. This way, you have a lawyer you know is going to spend as much time as is necessary on your case to ensure you have a better outcome than you otherwise would. If you’re in need of a defense lawyer to help you, go ahead and Click Here right now.

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