Why Hire a Criminal lawyer in Rockwall TX?

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Law Services

If you’ve been arrested for the first time, you may be very worried about what will happen next. You’ll quickly notice that arrests don’t typically happen like they do on television, even though the television shows may be based on true stories. One way you can receive help for your case is to hire a Criminal lawyer in Rockwall TX. This should be the first thing you do after you’ve been arrested, as your lawyer can walk you through the rest of the process and help you through every step.

For most cases, a bail amount will be automatically set. In many cases, you can simply pay the bail amount or receive a bond to be released from jail. However, if the bond amount is unreasonable or higher than it should be, your lawyer may be able to help you secure a lower bail amount.

Once your bail has been paid, you will be released from jail until your hearings. In some cases, your lawyer may be able to attend some of the hearings without you. You should still try to attend as many as possible. Your lawyer will take this time to review all of the evidence against you, and there may be hearings for suppression of evidence, attempts to drop the charges or attempts to reduce the charges.

If you do end up going to trial, your Criminal lawyer in Rockwall TX will walk you through each step. They’ll be able to explain everything to you and answer any questions you may have. They will also ensure your trial is fair and that you know what to say and do if you take the stand in your own defense. If you are found guilty, they will then work to convince the judge you only need the smallest sentence possible.

From the bail amount to the sentencing, your Criminal lawyer will be able to help you and answer any questions you may have. They are very familiar with the courts and criminal laws, so they will be able to work hard to ensure a good outcome for your case. If you’re worried about what will happen once you’ve been arrested, hire a lawyer for help. You’ll be able to feel more at ease about the entire ordeal when you know a little more about what is going to happen. For more information, contact Law Office of Tim Hartley.

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