Work With a DUI Lawyer in Minneapolis MN to Avoid Harsh Penalties

by | Jun 17, 2014 | Law Services

When you’ve been arrested for a DUI, whether it’s your first time or your fourth, you could be facing jail time, fines, and the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. With each additional DUI conviction, the penalties get harsher. For this reason, you need to speak with a DUI Lawyer from Brandt Criminal Defense so that you can try to avoid a conviction or get the minimum sentence possible. Your lawyer will be able to help you with a few different things from the time you are arrested until your final court hearing.

If possible, your lawyer will try to get the charges dropped for you. They can do this by proving the breathalyzer gave an incorrect reading, the proper procedures for the field sobriety test or breathalyzer were not used, that the reason you were pulled over was not valid, or that proper arrest procedures were not used. There may be other ways they can convince the judge to drop the charges as well. They will gather the necessary evidence for you to prove their argument to the judge.

When they cannot get the charges dropped, the next step is to try to have you found not guilty at your hearing. There are a variety of different methods they could use here, and those methods can include the above arguments for having your charges dropped. In cases where you are found guilty, however, your lawyer can still help by making sure you get the minimum sentence possible. As the number of times you have been convicted rises, the amount of jail time and the fines you have to pay will increase. Still, there are minimum and maximum ranges for each, and your lawyer can work to get you the minimum. They also may be able to get the judge to allow you to have a hardship license so you can drive, with restrictions, to work and back each day.

If you’re facing a DUI charge, it doesn’t matter if it’s your first conviction or your fourth. The penalties for a DUI conviction can be harsh, so it’s imperative that you work with a DUI Lawyer in Minneapolis MN so you can get the charges dropped or, if that’s not possible, get the minimum sentence possible. If you’d like more information on how a DUI lawyer can help you, be sure to click here.


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