The Four Major Benefits of Estate Planning in Port Orchards WA

by | Jun 11, 2014 | Law Services

The biggest mistake that many people make about estate planning is that of having no plan at all. Many people do not really think about the importance of having a plan laid out. They think that the estate planning should be a reserve for people that are really wealthy. The problem with having no plan is the fact that life is very unpredictable in nature. Whether you own millions or not, things like your house, cars and bank accounts are part of your estate. It is important to start thinking about estate planning in Port Orchard WA so that you can be prepared for eventualities like death and events that could leave you incapacitated.

The things that estate planners do for you
There are many things that estate planning helps you do. A few are as follows.
1. You get to decide on the person you would like to take care of your kids in case you passed away or became completely incapacitated. Not planning means that the court will decide this for you.
2. You get to decide how your finances should be shared and appoint a person to do the managing of the finances. This will go a long way in protecting the family from wrangles.

Peace of mind
When you do estate planning, you list all your property, their location and access to things like bank accounts. This information is given to a trusted lawyer. This ensures that in case anything happens, your loved ones will not have to struggle trying to deal with issues like locating what you might have owned. You will also have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will not suffer in case something unfortunate happens to you.

You get to make the choices
The main benefit of planning is that you get to make all the choices regarding what you want to happen to the things that you own. It is the best way to make sure that your property goes to the person that you want to leave it to.

These are the reasons why you should pay Bennett Moran and Gianneschi Attorneys a visit and start planning for the future. These lawyers will assist you in Estate Planning in Port Orchard WA, personal injury claims, and bankruptcy issues.

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