The Service of a Global Seraphim Angel Wisdom Teacher

by | Feb 1, 2014 | Health & Fitness

Seraphim angels are said to be the highest-ranking angels. They were tasked with protecting God and singing His praises even though they had no permission to look at Him. It is said that they are wise and full of love.

They thrive by guarding and guiding humans through every day issues and situations. It does not matter what goes through your mind or how you feel about yourself since their love is unconditional.

Allowing them to show you the way leads to you being free, peaceful and bliss. A flow of energy moves between you and helps you to deal with all the issues that may be bothering you. These include pain, sadness and anger. It helps you get rid of the negative energy surrounding you thereby causing positive change in your life.

A global seraphim angel wisdom teacher will be able to show you how to get in touch with the angels and tap into this energy. You however have to open your mind and have the willingness to listen. Some of the messages passed across and are essential to your survival and for you to thrive.

You are not just your body

You are composed of an emotional, spiritual, psychological and physical body. They are not separate beings but are intertwined in one way or another, affecting the happenings in each sphere. All of these combined make for a powerful human being capable of anything on this earth so do not limit yourself because of the perceived limitations of the human body.

Be good to yourself

You deserve great things so do not beat yourself up for failing or feel guilty for enjoying yourself. Humans are not perfect and mistakes help you learn and grow in life.

Thoughts are good and beneficial but they may not always bring solutions. A global seraphim angel wisdom teacher understands these concepts better since they are normally communicating with seraphim so as to help individuals get to their peak and handle issues using seraphic wisdom.

Healing comes through this whole experience when you embrace stillness. It is not like meditation where you stay still and quiet and focus but stillness with a view to stop worrying and searching for answers in the natural, stop getting frustrated and fighting.

Knowledge you may have gathered as you were growing up can be blocking you from experiencing divine love and wisdom from the seraphim. When you let go of all you have grown up knowing and just embrace the stillness you will begin to get answers.

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